Career Portfolio
Career portfolio is one of the three management and marketing tools recommended to help you reach your full potential. An online portfolio is presenting you in a non-traditional way. Portfolios are used to demonstrate your qualifications and professional background to prospective employers. Additionally, an online career portfolio increases your chances of getting that job interview and possibly getting hired.

How can you draw employer's attention to your work?
An online portfolio provides a way to reveal your credentials to the world. It allows you to package the best evidence of your candidacy for employment such as your resume, artwork, reports, lesson plans, transcripts, certifications, articles, letters, and more in a form easily accessible via the Internet.

The Purpose of a Portfolio
A well-prepared portfolio provides "evidence" to an employer of your accomplishments, skills, abilities and it documents the scope and quality of your experience and training. It is an organized collection of documentation that presents both your personal and professional achievements in a concrete way.

Portfolios can range from something as simple as an online version of your resume to a web site full of materials. A portfolio can include word processing files of your resume and writing samples, digital images of your graphic and artwork, and video and audio files.

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